Latoya Jackson was rushed to the hospital today (April 21, 1993), after her husband beat her with a dining room chair.

The incident occurred in her posh Manhattan apartment, and became more violent in an altercation that soon escalated.

Her husband Jack Gordon allegedly grabbed a dining room chair and beat Latoya so badly, that she was stretched out on a marble floor, with blood trickling from her lip, as police arrived on the scene.

Latoya was treated at Lenox Hill Hospital, for injuries to her arms, back, legs and face, while her husband Jack Gordon was arrested for assault and weapon charges.

The 36-year-old singer’s famous siblings accused Jack Gordon of brainwashing Latoya and being at the center of the fallout between her and her family.

“We had an argument. I hit her. The only reason I hit her is because she came at me with a knife. I have cancer,” Gordon told police at the scene.

Latoya needed 12 stitches in her mouth to close her wounds.

Police said that Latoya Jackson did indeed have a knife, but she was using it in self-defense.

Latoya Jackson eventually dropped the charges against Gordon, who was infamously associated with the mafia.

In her book “La Toya: Growing up in the Jackson Family,” she claimed that Jack Gordon forced Latoya to marry him in Reno, Nevada.

She tried to escape from the chapel three times, but bodyguards forced her back in and made her proceed with the wedding.

Latoya eventually divorced Jack Gordon under dramatic circumstances in 1997, and he continued to make allegations against The Jackson family in his book “The Jackson Family: The True Story Of The Most Powerful Family In The Music Industry.”

Jack Gordon died from cancer in April of 2005.

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