Today (August 16, 1973), a representative for The Black Panther party denied assaulting Ike Turner during a concert that took place the previous week, in Oakland, California.
Ike Turner and four members of his band were rushed to Daniel Freeman Hospital in Los Angeles, where they were treated for cuts and bruises stemming from the brawl.

Oakland Police said that the fight started over the percentage The Black Panther Party was to receive from the concert, which took in upwards of $40,000.
The Black Panther Party, who sponsored the show, claimed that the dispute centered around Ike and Tina Turner’s unprofessionalism.
The Panthers claimed that Ike and Tina only performed 15 minutes of a one-hour show, despite the fact that they had already been paid $7000 in cash.
When The Ikettes attempted to leave the stage, a group of men dressed in black suits, refused to let them off of the stage.
Ike suffered from a 3-inch cut on his head, after he was hit with a lead pipe.
Another bandmember was struck with a lead crowbar and was hospitalized for four days.
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